Forget arranging flowers or worrying about wilting with these easy autumn table decor ideas. You can achieve a sophisticated look in just ten minutes with gourds, pumpkins, and candles...
1. The Clean White Pumpkin Look
I love this little white pumpkin line-up from
Town-n-Country Living. 
White pumpkin centerpiece from Town-n-Country Living
2. Hoard Your Gourds!
This fabulous hodgepodge of gourds and mini pumpkins makes for an eye-catching centerpiece that is simple to create.

Gourd and pumpkin centerpiece from House Beautiful
3. Autumn Outdoor Decor
White Buffalo Styling Co. suggests this great rustic autumn outdoor tablescape, with pumpkins, candles, and natural wood rounds.

Pumpkin, candle, and wood outdoor table decor from White Buffalo Styling Co.
4. Pumpkin Place Setting
I adore this simply exquisite white pumpkin place setting from
Nina Hendrick Design. It's reminiscent of the sleek black and white look in this
Halloween Boo BQ post.

White pumpkin place setting from Nina Hendrick Design Any of these centerpiece ideas can be incorporated into you Autumn Social Grilling Party. Angara grill tables come with wood covers for the grill sections to create a pleasing, complete outdoor table look.

The Angara Maximus Grill Table